Take this assessment to test your knowledge regarding. It is set in occupied denmark during wwii and tells the story of two families, the johansens and the rosens. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The families live in the same apartment block in coppenhagen and are very good. Desperately she began trying to unhook the tiny clasp. Number the stars by lois lowry chapter 7 by anne stowers. Explanation of the famous quotes in number the stars, including all important speeches, comments, quotations, and monologues. Listen to number the stars audiobook by lois lowry. By chapter 7 of lois lowrys number the stars, ellen has moved from her home in an attempt to evade the nazis.
Sparknotes is here for you weve got everything you need to ace or teach. Number the stars, lois lowry number the stars 1989 is a work of historical fiction by american author lois lowry, about the escape of a jewish family the rosens from copenhagen, denmark, during world war ii. Fifth grade number the stars audiobook henry county schools. Number the stars chapters 1415 summary and analysis. Its now 1943 and their life in copenhagen is filled with school, food shortages, and the nazi soldiers marching through town. Annemarie adjusted the thick leather pack on her back so that her schoolbooks balanced evenly. For a few moments, the girls are able to forget their. Tenyearold annemarie johansen and her best friend ellen rosen often think of life before the war. The title number the stars is an allusion to a biblical passage. Number the stars read online free from your pc or mobile. Can you start doing the main idea of each chapter at the end.
John green author this study guide consists of approximately 29 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of the fault in our stars. Number the stars chapter 7 summary the house by the sea annemarie and ellen are outside by henriks house, talking about how great it is to be out in nature. Number the stars is a wonderful story about bravery and friendship. A summary of symbols in lois lowrys number the stars. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Print word pdf take our free number the stars quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test. Number the stars chapter 6 is the weather good for fishing. Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
This is a literacy quiz over the first chapter of number the stars by lois lowry. Find a summary of this and each chapter of number the stars. I enjoyed number the stars, it was a interesting read and it shows the strength that people find when face with the unimaginable. What was the name of uncle henriks boat and where did he. And tenthe age of annemarie in number the stars, and the approximate age of most of the books readersis an age when young people are beginning to develop a strong set of personal ethics.
This activity was created by a quia web subscriber. And tenthe age of annemarie in number the stars, and the. Everyone except the still sleeping kirsti remains in the living room, talking, after the soldiers leave. He got the name from annemaries mother to honor her. Learn reading test number stars chapter 7 with free interactive flashcards. Annemarie johansen is a young girl who hangs out with her friend ellen and takes care of her little sister kirsti. Chapter 7 the name of uncle henriks boat was ingeborg. Why were annemarie, ellen, and kirsti stopped by the soldiers. In order to keep herself calm as she travels down the dark path, she tells herself the story of red riding hood. Choose from 500 different sets of number the stars chapter 7 reading flashcards on quizlet. And they are beginning to realize that the world they live in is. Chapter 3b chapter 4a chapter 4b chapter 4c chapter 4d chapter 5a chapter 5b chapter 5c chapter 6a chapter 6b chapter 6c chapter 7a. Number the stars chapter 7 the house by the sea youtube. Chapter 7 the house by the sea number the stars by lois lowry this is a clean read aloud appropriate for kids.
Outside the bedroom door, the harsh voices and heavy footsteps continued. Number the stars is the story of two little girls whose friendship is put to the test by the nazi invasion of denmark. Throughout number the stars, annemarie shows a great deal of maturity and wisdom for a tenyear old. Start studying number the stars chapter 7 11 vocabulary. Sure, except that she lives in copenhagen, denmark, during world war ii. This lesson summarizes events that occur in chapter 7 of number the stars by lois lowry. Start studying number the stars chapter 7 questions. Chapter summary for lois lowrys number the stars, chapter 7 summary. A summary of chapters iii in lois lowrys number the stars. In the novel, resistance fighter peter neilsen reads psalm 147 before the jews are taken to the ship to be hidden and carried to sweden. A summary of chapters xxi in lois lowrys number the stars. Choose from 500 different sets of reading test number stars chapter 7 flashcards on quizlet.
The johansens are danish and christian and the rosens are danish and jewish. First published in 1998, chapters 7 and 8 of the book number the stars form the main. Annemarie and maries friendship is the most important of the story as they live with war while their parents protect them as. Learn number the stars chapter 7 reading with free interactive flashcards. Tehillim, more commonly known to american readers as psalms, is one of the books in the tanakh the written jewish torah that is also a part of the christian bible. Number the stars changed theirs when they were young, that it made them think about both cruelty and courage. This study guide consists of approximately 50 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of number the stars. However, she shows that she still has a childlike spirit in chapter 14, and her innocence and imagination actually save her life. The story centers on tenyearold annemarie johansen, who.
Were totally on board with that sentiment, especially if theres a. When the jews of denmark are relocated, ellen moves in with the johansens and pretends to be. Number the stars chapter 7 questions flashcards quizlet. In this chapter, the girls explore uncle henriks country home, where they have come to visit to provide. Historical fiction at its finest, it captures both the facts and the feelings of the era. Although the protagonists in this story are children, people of all ages will enjoy this book. It checks students comprehension of the first chapter book as well as beginning of the underlying themes. Number the stars is a young adult novel by lois lowry. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of number the stars and what it means. It was something that shaped my idea of how people should be treated, wrote a young woman recently, recalling her own fourth grade experience.
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